Middle School Athletics
SIS students in grades 6th-8th are invited to participate in athletics at Scappoose Middle School. This is an excellent opportunity for our students, and we encourage them to consider participating!
The following options are available throughout the sports seasons:
6th grade: Cross Country, Dance, Wrestling, Track
7th - 8th grades: Cross Country, Dance, Football, Volleyball, Basketball, Wrestling, Track
If your student is interested in participating, please review the SMS Athletics website for important dates, requirements, forms, and camp information.
Transportation to the Middle School for Athletics:
In the afternoons, SIS students can ride the PM shuttle buses from SIS to the middle school arriving before practices begin. In addition, we provide busing to the middle school on “away” competition days, when it is necessary for the athletes to depart early from the middle school.
Please be aware parents are still responsible for picking up their athlete(s) after practices and competitions at the middle school. Parents always have the option to contact each other to organize carpooling if necessary.