Sauvie Island School News

Spring Break logo with palm tree and sun

March 21st, 2025

On the Horizon

3rd Grade Updates with Mrs. Schacht

Third grade has been buzzing with hands-on learning and exciting projects! Students showcased their creativity with solar system presentations. Pi Day was a blast, filled with fun math challenges and tasty treats—thank you to our wonderful volunteers! We are starting our Rocks and Minerals unit as well. 

Middle School Updates with Mr. Radich

Off to a great start in Trimester 3, here's a bit of what we've been up to. 

8th Social Studies

We're halfway into a two week intensive position paper writing unit that we'll complete before we start our Mock Trial preparation following Spring Break. Students are focusing on using information from a text about high schoolers playing in a water gun fight tournament to make arguments about whether games with simulated violence are perilous or diverting for teens. Some excellent discussions and using persuasive techniques to make a neutral text do some heavy lifting in favor of, or against, their taken positions--good stuff! 

7th Grade Social Studies

Seventh Graders are also in the midst of a writing unit, but a different mode than the 8th Graders: narrative writing. So far we've focused on how to come up with ideas, diagraming plot-arcs, developing believable characters, and initial drafting of scenes. Students are also beginning to research a topic for a 10 minute presentation and discussion they'll lead later in the trimester. 

Game On Elective

Ms. A and I are teaching an elective this trimester that focuses on learning all types of games. We've started with games you can play with a standard deck of cards and will move to board games after Spring Break. Lots of strategy, teamwork, and graceful winning and losing happening!

Schoolwide Paper Drive flyer

Photograph of a yellow school bus

Attention all SIS Parents and Guardians,

Please be aware that Sauvie Island School has a transportation agreement with the Scappoose School District, which permits us to share the Middle School parking lots as our transportation hub in the AM and PM.

Sauvie Island School has committed that all of our parents and guardians who drop off or pick up their students at the middle school bus hub will drive slowly, park in a designated parking spot, and walk with their student(s) through the parking lot. We can not have students going through the parking lot unattended. This is extremely dangerous.

All children must be closely supervised at all times when on school district property. Children cannot be left unattended in vehicles, on the tennis court, or in the grass field area.

Our parents and guardians must also abide by all rules and expectations of the transportation agreement for it to continue. Any parents and guardians who do not abide by all rules and expectations will no longer be able to utilize the bus hub. Please remember this agreement is to ensure the safety of all students.

We appreciate your help in ensuring that we meet all of the expectations in the agreement with the school district!

SIS Administration

Volunteer Corner

Hello Volunteer Community!  Thank you all that helped with the annual SIS Plant Sale and those that contributed food and/or donations for our feed the staff day, your continued support is greatly appreciated. 

Below are the current and ongoing volunteer needs:

Volunteer 1:1 readers - K-5 slots still available. Sign up here.

PTC Auction - needs range from asking for donations and sponsorships to helping with planning. 

Please email

Ongoing volunteer opportunities can be found in the newsletter and on the SIS and SIS PTC Facebook pages! Check them frequently to stay up to date on any volunteer needs we may have. 

A reminder that all volunteers need to have an up to date background check on file with the school office.  Please reach out if you are unsure if yours is up to date and we can verify for you.  These need to be renewed every two years.  As always, feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns or if you would like to be added to the email list for ongoing volunteer opportunities at


Kelli Magnia and Mashell Pastorino 

SIS Volunteer Coordinators

PTC Updates

Flyer for the April 4th PTC meeting

Save the Date flyer with UPC code

Flyer asking for auction volunteers

Wine drop off flyer for the PTC auction

Bottle Drop flyer

Oregon Ballet Theater tickets for auction flyer

State Testing

Each year, schools are required to participate in administering the Oregon Statewide Assessments. These include measures in Math and English Language Arts for grades 3-8 and Science for grades 5-8. This link provides information on those assessments and participation options (Spanish translation available here). You may also contact the school for more information or with any questions you might have.


Community Notice Disclaimer:

Sauvie Island School offers community organizations the opportunity to post information that may be of interest to students and families.  Sauvie Island School does not endorse or recommend any of these organizations, services or products.  The responsibility is on families to evaluate the organization and its services and products.  Sauvie Island School will not be held responsible for any actions or inactions connected to these organizations.  

Noble's spring break camp flyer

a photograph of colorful dyed Easter eggs

Easter Celebration at the Sauvie Island Community Church!

Easter Egg Hunt
Saturday, April 19th at 10:00AM
Free family event. Ages 1-12. Bring your own basket. Rain or shine.

Easter Service
Sunday, April 20th at 10:00AM
Children’s Sunday School and Nursery provided during worship service.
Coffee served afterwards.

Summer music camp flyer

Odds and Ends

  • Busses, Arrivals and Departures: Please arrive at the bus hub by 7:45am. Halls open at 8:20, school begins at 8:25. Please do not leave students in the parking lot unattended!

  • School dismissal is at 3pm, 2pm on Wednesdays. Any changes to your child's pick-up routine must be made with Ann at the front desk at least one hour prior to dismissal.

  • Please check Lost & Found for any missing treasures! All items left over the winter break will be donated as we do not have the room to keep lost items indefinitely.

  • Ask about our monthly giving Mug Club! It's a great way to give back to the school on a regular basis and enjoy perks like free coffee days and receive an insulated Sauvie Island School travel coffee mug.

    You can access old newsletters by going to Documents-->About Us-->SIS newsletter in your SIS App

    or by clicking here in your browser or phone.

Grange Hall Rentals

The Sauvie Island Grange is available to all as a rental space for private parties, meetings and gatherings. You can rent the building by the hour or half-day. The hall space can be rented separately from the kitchen or together based on need. Grange members thoroughly sanitize the hall and kitchen before scheduled use. Please visit this link for more specifics on rentals or contact Katherine Topaz at 503-708-0008. 

Be in the Know!

  • Download the new Sauvie Island app today! Visit the iOS App Store or Android Play and enable notifications.

  • Visit Facebook and Instagram for important updates and photos of activities! Visit our website to see what's going on! 

  • Add our school calendar directly to your Google Calendar. Our calendar link is here.

    • This article gives you more instructions on how to do this.