Enrollment Process

To be considered for enrollment, each student (even those currently enrolled) must complete an application for the following school year during the open enrollment period. The open enrollment period runs from the beginning of February until the Friday before the start of Spring Break in March. The date an application is received does not matter and will not give an application greater or lesser priority as long as it is received during the open enrollment period.

Enrollment in SIS is available to students who reside on Sauvie Island, in the Scappoose Public School District, and to students residing outside the school district based on the number of spaces available. Enrollment priority is determined in the following way:

Priority of Admission

  1. Students who were enrolled in SIS in the prior school year.

  2. Siblings of current students who are in 7th grade and younger during the application window.

  3. Sauvie Island residents.

  4. Children of SIS staff.

  5. Residents in the Scappoose SD

  6. Residents outside the Scappoose SD

Lottery Admission

*An equitable, public lottery is held during mid-April each year where students are granted spaces in each grade based on the number of remaining spaces. When all of the spaces are filled, students are placed on a waitlist and families are informed of what number their student is on the waitlist. Students will remain on the waitlist through the end of the school year. Applications for enrollment in subsequent school years must be re-submitted according to the regular charter school admission/enrollment process.

2025-2026 Enrollment Application

Please see the enrollment form below for the 2025-2026 school year. The enrollment process for 2025-2026 will open on Saturday, February 1st at 9 am and close on Friday, March 21st. Any applications received after the enrollment period will automatically be added to our waitlist.

Current Year Enrollment

If you are interested in information about enrolling your student during the current school year, please contact the front desk to learn more about any potential openings and the application process.

Please contact Ann Pavia at apavia@sauvieislandschool.org or 503-621-3426 for more information about registration.

Enrollment Policy

Our enrollment policy, dictated by state law, gives first priority to siblings of current students, then students residing on Sauvie Island, and then students residing within the Scappoose School District. In order to obtain sibling status, a sibling must be enrolled for the application year as well as the previous year. Priority does not apply for a sibling whose brother or sister is leaving the school in the year the sibling is entering the school. Students residing outside the District may apply for enrollment and be admitted if spaces are available after District applicants have enrolled.

Non-Discrimination Policy:  No applicant for enrollment as a student at Sauvie Island School shall be discriminated against in any educational program or activity  on the basis of race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, ethnicity, national origin, disability, terms of an Individualized Education Plan (IEP), income level, proficiency in the English language or athletic ability.  Placement at Sauvie Island School of any student receiving special education services pursuant to an individual Education Plan (IEP) must be approved by the student’s IEP team.