
Dear SIS community -

Please see this important letter from the Oregon Coalition of Community Charter Schools and consider these actions to support the future of our school and all public charters around the state!


From: Iris Maria Chavez <iris@orc3s.org>
Date: Wed, Mar 5, 2025 at 3:20 PM
Subject: URGENT: Charter Funding bill public hearing

Hello Charter School Supporter, 

Exciting news!! Our priority legislation, HB 3444 is scheduled for a public hearing on Wednesday, March 12th at 3pm in the House Education Committee. The bill (and a clarifying amendment that ensures ALL public charters are included), increases the State School Fund pass through for ALL public charter schools to 95%

We, charter school supporters, have worked tirelessly this legislative session to push Legislators to pay attention to charter school funding. NOW IS OUR CHANCE. RSVP here to join the public hearing!

How can you be involved in this important public hearing? 
We need to turn out AS MANY charter school supporters as possible to:

  • provide live testimony (in person or virtual); 

  • submit letters of support to the House Education Committee

  • pack the committee hearing room with charter school champions

We want legislators to know that parents, school leaders, school board members, school staffcommunity members support public charter schools. 

If you've received this email we know you're a charter champion. Please tell us how you would like to support the public hearing for HB 3444 using this form. We will provide you support to do live testimony, write a letter of support, or join the fun in the committee hearing!

Please share with your whole school community -- parents, staff, board members, charter champions!

With gratitude for your ongoing support, 


Support HB 3444 – Fair Funding for Public Charter Schools

Oregon public charter school students receive far less funding compared to their district school peers. This funding gap has widened over time and will continue to grow unless we take action. 

HB 3444 would help fix this disparity by:

  • Ensuring public charter schools receive 95% of the ADMw from the State School Fund.

  • Allowing public charter school students to access local, state, and federal education dollars available to other public schools.

  • Enabling charter schools to offer transportation services and qualify for state reimbursement grants.

Iris Maria Chávez


Oregon Coalition of Community Charter Schools

c: 504-701-3931