6th and First Grade buddies enjoy a scavenger hunt in the sunny fall.
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Kids Scavenger Hunt
Kids Scavenger Hunt
Kids Scavenger Hunt
Kids Scavenger Hunt
Lunch at Wapato Park after a middle school community building hike.
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Students Eating Lunch
Middle School Students practice lifelong fitness with a PE field trip to Pier Park Disc Golf Course.
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Kids Disc Golf
8th Graders give feedback to Scappoose Parks and Rec about long-range planning.
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Parks Poster
Parks Poster
Sixth Graders curate a geography exhibit for 4th and 2nd Graders.
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Geography Exhibit
Geography Exhibit
Geography Exhibit
Sixth Grade Students show off their culminating Island Projects after hosting a Museum Day for staff members and younger grade students—great work!
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Museum Day
March 14, 2023. 8th Graders helped support Pi Day activities with 3rd, 4th, and 5th Graders.
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Math Work
Buddies Math
March 2023, 6th Grade Students run our annual Plant Sale. Fundraiser—running the register and helping carry plants to cars.
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Plant Sale
7th-grade Probability Carnival with 2nd-grade buddies
over 1 year ago, Sauvie Island School
Probability Carnival
Join us at 6:30pm tomorrow in Scapoose Auditorium for the Sauvie Island School Music Concert!
almost 2 years ago, Sauvie Island School
Today is Spirit Day! Everyone be prepared for an early release at 2:00pm. :D
almost 2 years ago, Sauvie Island School
Mark your calendars in advance! The Sauvie School plant sale will be Saturday, March 18th 9-noon. And thanks to 6th grader Enzo Foto for this great flyer!
almost 2 years ago, Sauvie Island School
a flyer that reads "Sauvie Island School Plant Sale, Saturday, March 18th, 9am to 12 noon, 14445 NW Charlton Rd - Helps fund: Art, Music, Supplies, Field Trips" below the text is an image of a succulent plant surrounded by colorful smudges and scribbles